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  1. Happy Birthday Michelle!
  2. Gold = $1,001.00/oz; crude oil = $111.00/bbl
  3. Happy Birthday Scott!
  4. NY Gov. Eliot Spitzer involved in Vitter-type sex scandal!
  5. Some pics from Vegas
  6. The New Cold War
  7. If you like....
  8. “If you can't trust the faith-based assistant to the president, who can you trust?”
  9. Cable giant, Comcast, hates Americans!
  10. "The surge is working, my friends." Really?
  11. Tap three times if you want to serve your country...
  12. Gold = $967.70; Oil = $102.00; Euro = $1.51172 (Oil=$110.20, 3/12/08).
  13. MDR- and XDR-TB spreading like wildfire!
  14. The Lion King!
  15. FOX News = Hate-Mongers & Racists!!!
  16. Rep. Rick Renzi (R-AZ) finally indicted!
  17. In the dark of night...???
  18. Redneck Hunting!
  19. War Crimes? Are George Bush, Dick Cheney & Donald Rumsfeld guilty of war crimes?
  20. Congrats Mr. Newman
  21. Strong language from Intel Chair to Bush on FISA bill:
  22. What's the best way to execute a witch? Hanging, stoning or beheading?
  23. Barack Obama for President
  24. Saudi police arrest American woman at Starbucks having coffee with male colleague!
  25. Major line of storms headed my way
  26. North Carolina gun owners get no respect:
  27. Are you too fat to be served at a restaurant in Mississippi?
  28. Afghanistan sentences student to death for downloading report on women's rights!
  29. Evolution of dance
  30. Yippee
  31. Michigan Congressman charged with aiding Al-Qaida!
  32. Any Joggers? or fitness junkies?
  33. Happy Birthday Ninong!!!!
  34. pictures to make you smile
  35. The Nothing Box!
  36. Crude oil at $100/bbl. Gold at $864/oz. (Update, 1/14/08: Gold = $912/oz.)
  37. New Here
  38. Merry Christmas
  39. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep...
  40. Baptist Pastor's Unusual Demise...
  41. Federal Contracts for Paper Shredding Services
  42. Rev. Huckabee says Mormons believe Jesus and Satan were brothers. Is that true?
  43. Ocean conservation and your health!
  44. Music - Lets go back
  45. CompUSA going out of business.
  46. Delicious for Hanukkah?
  47. Problems with Reefcentral?
  48. How to have a Mary Mary Christmas:
  49. Bush is lying about the NIE on Iran!
  50. Green London – The Green City
  51. Website Critique?
  52. Trent Lott, last of the Singing Senators, announces retirement! Is Trent gay???
  53. This is hilarious...
  54. How to lie under oath, brought to you by the Bushies:
  55. Happy Thanksgiving!
  56. Scott McClellan's new book is coming out!
  57. London and Paris have followed San Francisco's lead by banning what?
  58. There ought to be a law against stuff like this!
  59. FOX News funnies...
  60. The Army Corps of Engineers doesn't want you to see this but it's funny as hell...
  61. Driving drunk as a skunk while getting a lap dance = GOP family values???
  62. Major fuel oil spill in San Francisco Bay!
  63. Beavers spared! Beaver lovers rejoice!
  64. Getting addicted to Podcasts
  65. 400-yr-old clam:
  66. All I can say is thank God!
  67. Happy Halloween
  68. N.J. public school teacher: Dinosaurs on Noah's ark & only Christians go to heaven!
  69. New California Academy of Sciences building...
  70. My Reef Creations......