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  1. And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love.
  2. This is interesting...
  3. Monterey Bay Aquarium's male great white sends greetings from Cabo...
  4. Campus shooting rampage: 50 students & faculty shot, at least 22 dead so far!
  5. Xbox live!
  6. More hilarious distortions from Fox Noise:
  7. My new wed site!
  8. How easy is it to have your name added to the "terrorist list" in this country?
  9. Vegemite with your algae, mate?
  10. Wow. If I were an Ohio State fan...
  11. Things that make you go awwwww!
  12. Send this guy an email. Tell him to STOP it!
  13. It's a miracle! Google magically restored Katrina-devasted areas!
  14. Why is it a hexagon?
  15. Did you see Karl Rove's little dance number last night...
  16. The news the mainstream media doesn't want Americans to read:
  17. Poor John McCain. Someone played a trick on him.
  18. Another corrupt Bush Administration official is about to go to jail:
  19. Hi there oldtimers, long time no see!
  20. Poor Strom Thurmond must be rolling over in his grave over this:
  21. A liitle bit of Larson humor
  22. wish me luck!!
  23. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned... Or like Tom DeLay scorned!
  24. Hey, check it out! Curveball's photo!
  25. It looks like A.Gonzales may be getting a boot
  26. Update: Cockfighting now illegal in Louisiana! Also, dogfighting & Mike Vick:
  27. Halliburton hates America so much they're moving their HQ to Dubai!
  28. Just where is Al Gore getting his electricity from?
  29. Anyone else have this screen saver?
  30. Maybe it was the tattoos on the back of his hand...
  31. What's wrong with a little urban beautification program?
  32. Libby: Guilty on how many counts? (Update: Guilty on Four Counts!!!)
  33. Guess which Fox honcho supports legal prostitution now:
  34. Some very strange things going on in Michigan!
  35. What do you think about GE turning saltwater into freshwater?
  36. Even the Utah papers are poking fun at Deputy Leader Dick:
  37. 5000 word dissertation on....
  38. Sounds yummy! One of the 39 ingredients in Twinkies is...
  39. Windows Vista – What Do You Think?
  40. Calamari anyone?
  41. Why the fast lane?
  42. I guess his electric bill was paid automatically from his checking account?
  43. Guess whose daughter was just arrested for drunk driving & child endangerment?
  44. Anyone seen this?
  45. You can't get a mortgage without homeowner's insurance! State Farm pulling out!
  46. Our Energy Secretary will never do anything about global warming because...
  47. Randy Cunningham, CIA Opns Chief, Defense Contractors and HOOKERS!!!
  48. Ten feet of snow in upstate New York, 77 degrees F down here in Louisiana:
  49. Nutria in Oregon?
  50. More from the CIA's Director of European Operations about Iraq Intel & Bush Admin:
  51. Pictures of Queen Mary 2 in San Francisco Bay:
  52. The Superbowl Pre-game Show is Too Long and Too Boring!
  53. Republicans are occasionally honest and sometimes funny!
  54. Why the "surge" in Iraq won't work:
  55. How does this improve our public relations in Iraq?
  56. New White House executive pastry chef seems like a perfect match!
  57. Tampa Police Dept denies prescribed Morning After Pill to rape victim!
  58. Bush Administration official apologizes for threatening law firms that aid detainees:
  59. Bush Administration continues to find new ways to circumvent constitutional process:
  60. Happy 15,000th Post!
  61. One way the Republicans are stealing elections:
  62. Governor of Idaho calls for KILLING 85% of gray wolves in the state!
  63. Exactly how many wars are we involved in right now?
  64. Prophetic Blackadder episode:
  65. Who would leave off Cal Ripken, Jr. or Tony Gwynn?
  66. Good News for Voters, Bad News for Diebold!
  67. Sad
  68. worlds tallest man plays with dolphin guts
  69. Check it Out: Massachusetts North Shore Marine and Reef Club
  70. Pat's Age-Defying Protein Pancakes Not Working -- Senility Continues Unabated!