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  1. marine hobbyist in manila
  2. Happy New Years
  3. Merry Christmas!
  4. Christmas season miracle at the Naval Observatory:
  5. The End of Faith?
  6. The War on Christmas is real, folks!
  7. Stupid pet owners releasing Burmese pythons in Everglades:
  8. Joint Chiefs of Staff unanimously oppose sending more troops to Iraq!!!!!!
  9. King George: Unchecked and Unbalanced!
  10. Man strangled by his pet boa constrictor:
  11. It could happen to you, too!
  12. Love Poem
  13. Anna and I
  14. Puting your abilities to a good use.
  15. Iran's Break from Reality
  16. Bob Ney's lawyer has a favor to ask of you:
  17. Night of Lights Regatta
  18. where is rocky?
  19. New poll: Conservatives and Republicans deserting Bush!
  20. Best Friends?
  21. Karl Rove will be so dissapointed this Christmas:
  22. Reactions to report of the Iraq Study Group:
  23. Help my mom buy a GH for my dad
  24. There's not enough lead in the air we breathe:
  25. They're off and running for the 2008 GOP nomination:
  26. Naval Observatory temporary resident to be Grandfather!
  27. Can you hear me now?
  28. A Gold Medal for Failure:
  29. ...y mucho mas!
  30. Guess how much avocado is in Kraft guacamole?
  31. Tis the season
  32. Do Your Part for Peace!
  33. Go Gators!!!!!
  34. George W. Bush: One of our greatest presidents ever?
  35. Let's play with a concept
  36. Ninong's posts
  37. Multiculturalism runs amok?
  38. Killing for Jesus..or WWJK?
  39. Phony Marine Busted -- Too Fat to Be Real!
  40. Looks like another coup d’État is brewing in Fiji...
  41. Looking for a place... for industrial attachment
  42. Singleton's Dictionary
  43. Iraq In the view of crying Arabic eyes.
  44. Happy Thanksgiving!
  45. Save The Net
  46. This is so wrong!
  47. Another fantastic idea from the College Republicans!
  48. Los Angeles and Las Vegas need ideas
  49. Time for a Planetary Language?
  50. OMG! I agree with Bill O'Reilly on something! (Update: Fox cancels O.J.!!!)
  51. After the midterm elections: Now what?
  52. bonsai fans?
  53. Mike, Need a Photographer
  54. We Have a Winner:
  55. Countdown to The Hague
  56. wow
  57. Darwin on Marriage
  58. Coral reef conservation
  59. Some people are too stupid to be parents:
  60. Another fundamentalist Christian wingnut is going to jail:
  61. No sexual intercourse for you if you're single and under 29:
  62. Did you know daylight saving time will change next year?
  63. Apple Turns 30
  64. Countdown to November 7th:
  65. Video Ipods shipped with virus.
  66. Ummm... I'm Back?
  67. The Texas Taliban is at it again!
  68. A Marine's letter home: The reality of Iraq.
  69. Remember Susan Ralston, Karl Rove's Chief of Staff?
  70. Amazing T. rex fossil discovery!