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Reefland Search Powered by Google

I’ve been up late tonight working on a solution for our forum search issue, as quite a few people have been complaining about not being able to find what they’re looking for. Since our vBulletin-powered forum search appears to not want to cooperate, I’ve cooked up a quick solution.

To the left you will see a Google Search box. Since a few members have said they’ve had some luck finding posts and threads using Google, I created a custom Google search box that will search only Reefland, so it will be easy to find something specifically on Reefland.

Google visits us every day and updates their search index all the time, so practically everything on Reefland should be indexed in Google. This also makes the server Reefland is hosted on happier, because searching a forum puts some load on the server. Having Google-powered search will be faster and more reliable!