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Types Of Reef Aquarium Lighting

Along with the concern for temperature, water and feeding of the plants and fishes in your fad for reef-keeping, another very important factor is suitably lighting the aquarium. Most people do not pay heed to this issue while beginning on their hobby. Ignorance leads to ruin of your long-wished for corals and invertebrates. Too high intensity of lightning can scare your fishes while creating more than tolerable heat which may lead to melting of some corals. On the other hand lesser amount of light can starve the corals of their food via photosynthesis. So make sure you research a little before buying lights for your aquarium.

The following factors need to be kept in mind while selecting your light for reef-keeping: Watts per gallon, Lumens per watt, Lumen focus, PAR, PUR, Outputs in relation to length, Lux and tank depth. Never keep your reef aquarium exposed to sunlight through windows. Though sunlight is best form of light for natural habitats of corals, in artificial setting it may lead to growth of algae and other such disasters. Incandescent lights were once considered apt but since they create over-heating, they are better avoided. Halogens are also in the same category to be avoided for the same reason.  Let’s concentrate on the available sources of lights for reef-keeping.

LED Lamps

The high quality LED lights using the light source technology of semiconductor is becoming highly popular for its usage in reef aquariums and other aquariums. They do not generate useless heat, and useless yellow/green spectrums. They look soothing and brighter to human eyes and can last very long. These high intensity lights are available in different variants to suit your size of tank, types of corals and the other necessities. They are eco-friendly and also less energy consuming compared to other sources of lights. The past LED lights had some bugs but the latest ones especially designed for reefs are satisfying enough. Regarding its high price, I would say it is worth the result you get from it. Anyways the good thing is it is being negotiated to reduce its pricing.

Florescent lighting

Now available in warm white and cool white, these lights serves the purpose of lighting aquarium very well by producing less heat and attractive color. They are cost friendly but the problem with them is that they are suited for only-fish aquariums as the intensity of light is low and very few water plants survive under them. However, the CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamp) is very apt for reefs too. They are being used in Nano Reef tanks below 30 gallons, and its hood contains incandescent fittings, saving your pay for individual fittings.


This light is very popular among reef keepers as they consume lesser watts per lumen as compared to T-2 or other such lightings, are very compact and are available in huge variety. Attractive looks, multihued shimmering colors and aesthetically soothing lights are its vibrant features. However it has a few drawbacks too like in some VHO and HO T-5 lighting, the quality control on its fixture is lacking. Keep this in mind while buying one.

Metal halide

It is the leading one among reef lights and is mostly preferred widely by large scale reef keepers. It has deep penetration power, and higher output spectrum. Corals pop up with life in this light and its beauty is incomparable. Metal Halide works through a gas fusion of halides and other rudiments. The light fabrication comes from the bubble of gas that is seized in consign by metal wires and supports. The electricity running between them and the gas bubble, heats them. This is one of the reasons that Metal Halide bulbs give off more heat than other bulbs.

Considering the types of corals and other plants you plan to keep in your reef aquarium, wisely chose your lighting that will promote nourishing effects. Nevertheless, if you wish to undertake reef-keeping as a hobby you must be ready to part with a little extra expenses over perfect lighting too.