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Congratulations Mary on winning OCReef PAR38 CREE LED Aquarium Lamp

The October giveaway which was “OCReef PAR38 CREE LED Aquarium Lamp” sponsored by Orange County Reef Aquatics Inc. has come to an end and the winner has been announced with the help of rafflecopter. This was indeed a big giveaway of a product that is a sure envy to every aquarist and we are glad to see so many of you showing their interest in the “OCReef PAR38 CREE LED Aquarium Lamp”. We thank you all for trusting in our reviews and for being a part of the reefland community. Huge thanks to all the participants for the enthusiasm you guys have shown!

Now let’s applaud for “Mary B”, the proud winner of the October giveaway. Hearty congratulations for being the winner of this big giveaway! Our Sponsor will be shipping you the product soon. We hope your tank is going to love the new lamp. Excited for the OCReef PAR38 CREE LED Aquarium Lamp? Make the best of this aquarium light and let us know how you and your corals find the new light.

Special thanks to the sponsor, Orange County Reef Aquatics Inc., who have been continually enhancing aquarium products and successfully bringing to us better equipments and accessories to make reef keeping more fun and trouble free. All your products have been a boon to aquarist old and new and have improved in every sector of aquarium management. Keep up the good work guys!

For those who did not win this time, don’t be disheartened as there is always a next time. And we have been constantly bringing to you new and exciting giveaway of useful products for aquarists. Keep checking back for new giveaway that might come up anytime in the following days. Those of you wanting the “OCReef PAR38 CREE LED Aquarium Lamp” can order them at the below mentioned link: