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The snakelocks anemone bred for the first time in captivity


Researchers from Granada have succeeded to breed for the first time in captivity a marine animal known as the snakelocks anemone,(Anemonia sulcata), and have also begun breeding a species of sea cucumber (Sticophus regalis),although this process is still in its initial stages. Both species have great culinary potential and possess excellent nutritional properties. As well as these two species of marine invertebrates, the scientists have cultivated the edible saltmarsh plant Salicornia, also known as marsh samphire or sea asparagus.

The importance being given to breeding this species in captivity is due to its popularity as a Spanish cuisine. According to Wikipedia, this anemone is consumed in southwestern Spain, around Gulf of Cádiz region, under the name “ortiguillas de mar” (literally, little sea nettles, because of their urticant properties before cooked) or simply “ortiguillas”. The whole animal is marinated in vinegar, and then it is coated in a tempura-like batter and deep-fried in olive oil. Ortiguillas are offered in some coastal Andalusian restaurants as a delicacy. They are similar in appearance and texture to croquettes, but having an intense seafood taste.

The harvesting of anemones for use in gourmet restaurants and eateries is creating a decline in their numbers, and due to the high prices they reach on the market, poaching and over-exploitation are “considerably damaging the ecological niche in coastal and inter-tidal areas.” iMare Natural S.L., a University of Granada ‘spin-off’ concern, is budding methods of raising these species and integrating these techniques within the aquaculture sector. It is a practice based on making the most of the surplus organic products that result from the nurturing of these products.

As Pedro A. Alvarez, one of the researchers and co-founders of the firm, explains, “Until now, these marine products were solely obtained by trawling, a practice which affects the ecosystem considerably”. With the help of a well-organized pumping and channeling system, the organic waste produced by the aquaculture process is recycled and turned into fertilizers or feedstuffs that can then be used in other types of cultivation. Thus, the food surpluses and organic residue from these marine crops are utilized in hydroponic cultivation, creating an environmentally sustainable and balanced system.

With regards to the snakelocks anemone, one of the species that has been cultivated for the first time in Granada, Pedro Alvarez states that “it has hardly any calories and contains essential components for our health, due to its high content in proteins, cholesterol and purines, along with its low fat content”. Additionally, Salicornia contains 30-40% of proteins, calcium, magnesium and sodium, as well as a high amount of essential fatty acids (Omega-6), which, in the case of its seeds, can be as high as 75%. This high content in linoleic acid helps to considerably reduce blood cholesterol levels.

The plant absorbs salt water and is more and more used as a garnish for fish or seafood dishes, or is cooked along with other vegetables. In addition, Salicornia is rich in oils and can be used for producing bio-fuel. Finally, the sea cucumber is a highly-prized product in the cuisine of Catalonia, the Balearics and Valencia, where its price can be as high as 150 euros a kilo. In the past, it was eaten by poor fishing families, but nowadays it is served in the best restaurants”.

Snakelock anemones are fast becoming a widely kept species in aquaria particularly within Europe. It rapidly adapts to aquarium life as they are extremely adaptable to various conditions. Reports stand that clown fish from the subfamily Amphiprioninae in the family Pomacentridae will use this anemone as a mutuality relationship even though they are found in different ecological or environmental areas.