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Reef Suds – The First of its Kind of Soap

Reef aquarists are always concerned about not accidently introducing any foreign particle into their tank while working inside it as we never really know which among all things around us can build up the harm causing era. Generally it is advised that you must wash your hands with warn water; dry it up with a clean tower before diving your hands in water. Now you have aquarium soap, or precisely a reef aquarium soap that is all safe and free from any harmful chemical for which you worry using soap before working on your reef tank.

Introducing the first and only hand soap specifically created for aquarium use. Reef Suds is all natural with no additives, artificial colors, or fragrances. The 1.5-inch thick bar, full of natural coarse sea salt exfoliates, will eliminate all unwanted impurities.

Reef Suds has been extensively tested and used on a variety of aquariums including SPS reef tanks (which we all know are the most sensitive) to insure the safety of your tank. Water sampling shows a neutral PH and no leftover oil slicks or residue.

You are usually advised not to use soap since corals and other inhabitants could be unfriendly with chemical contents of the soap that might cause health issues. With this soap you can be assured of the safely since they are meant especially for your reefs.

Jarob Fetters, the founder of Reef Suds is an aquarium enthusiast and has brought you a solution to get rid of those long time hand scrub with warm water and rinse with towel. After comprehensively testing the bar for nearly a year now, the Company has come up with a proprietary blend to make certain it is tank safe. Without giving away their secret, they disclose that using an exceptionally low amount of super fat is the key to keep a neutral PH and prevent leftover oil slicks. The soap has been tested on all kinds of reef tanks ranging in size and inhabitants, including the most sensitive of aquariums, SPS tanks. Some of the tests included pH, ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, phosphates, and TDS; all from both aquarium and pure water samples. The results have been found safe and efficient so you can now head to your fish stores to search for this aquarium product. They shall be available by late November. If you cannot wait to lay your hands on this amazing product, you can pre-order at their official website:

Best of all, $1 from every bar purchased will get donated directly to the Coral Restoration Foundation. To see more about the C.R.F, please visit their website Founder Jarob Fetters says, “Not only does the aquarium hobby rely on the well being of coral reefs, but we as a society do more than most people realize. I feel it is extremely important to give back to the things you are passionate about. Whether it’s a little or a lot, every bit helps, and we want to make a difference.”