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Maintaining Accurate Specific Gravity In Saltwater Tank

        Specific gravity is the measure of relative salinity or the amount of dissolved salts in your aquarium water in comparison to pure water. Being reef aquarists you all be aware of the importance of maintain a constant specific gravity in order not to stress the inhabitants of your aquarium. Measuring specific gravity on a regular basis… [Read More]

DIY guide to making concrete reef tank

The new trend in aquarium keeping especially in reef aquariums is building concrete tanks. Why people prefer concrete tank is for their reliability and attractiveness. A concrete tank does not means it is to be made of concrete cement on all sides. The glass aquarium goes in with some precautions and only the display window remains visible in glass. Mostly… [Read More]

Reef Friendly Crabs

Usually added to join the janitor family in reef aquariums, crabs are indeed of help in cleaning the wastes and leftover nutrients. For large tanks there indeed has to be one or two of these cleaning crew to prevent algal blooms. However, not all crabs are reef safe. Some grow enormously, some eat up the coral tissues, some are aggressive… [Read More]

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