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Substrate for the Reef Aquarium

Substrate is the sand or gravel that covers the bottom of the tank. Substrate can be a place for the critters to burrow and dig through and also and important adjunct to the biological ecosystem within the reef tank. In older times, a bare bottom tank was important so that all detritus could be easily removed. This is no longer… [Read More]

Aquarium chiller

      In reef tanks along with other equipments like lighting and water pumps, we also install heaters to raise the temperature enough to get going and the lights used are also of high intensity so there is a probability that water temperature might raise more than necessary and to the extent of cutting down oxygen supply in the… [Read More]

What to look for while picking an Aquarium Store

    When you are about to buy livestock for your aquarium you look for the appropriate source where quality is taken care of. Every time you may not want to depend on online ordering of corals and fishes especially need to be bought from a good retail store where hygiene is god and you are ensured that the new… [Read More]

Another Uninvited Visitor – Flatworms

When it comes to maintaining a healthy reef tank, many aquarists will agree to it that there are many intruders that are a threat. Some are disastrous in the long run while some cause instant debacle. Not all intruders are crooks and neither is every one of them friendly. While some worms are an absolute pro to reef growth and… [Read More]

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